Monday, November 17, 2008

A Work Space of One's Own

Virginia Woolf may have a had a whole room, but I am thrilled to death with this new little corner in my kitchen. Since the twins were born, I have not had a craft room or craft space of any sort. My stuff is boxed up all over the house and anytime I want to get crafty, I have to dig through said boxes to find supplies. Not to mention finding a flat, clean surface to create on. Mr. Man suggest we set up something more permanent, and now I have a place for the tutu stuff and my laptop! Yippee! I can get all creative in this place and then switch gears to cooking dinner, doing laundry, whatever without having to clean everything up.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Holiday Tutus for Christmas Elves

I am amping up for the Holiday season with a new tutu in three colors, red, fuschia, and green. I love how trendy these colors look combined! I am also going to be doing a craft fair at the Ballantyne Country Club on December 4th. this will be my first official craft fair, not counting CMOMS events so I'm pretty psyched about it. Hopefully I can drum up some local business to add to the web traffic I get from all over the country and abroad

Monday, November 10, 2008

Frolicking Kiddos

The weather is finally turning cold and fall-like here in balmy North Carolina, so we're trying to squeeze in as much time as possible playing outdoors in the shortened autumn afternoons. The girls got out to play in a few new tutus that I think suit them to a tee. I love the Holiday green one on Peanutty- it's so bright and festive just like her sparkly personality. Bugaboo's Paris Pink Tutu so fits her style too- she is a true girlie girl.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

And Away We Go!

Here it is. After much cajoling by friends and family, I have created a blog to show off my tutu creations and works in progress. In between may come some vents on mommyhood, as I am a stay at home mom to two two-year-olds and one three-year-old. Sometimes life is just too topsy-turvy to keep all these toddler antics to myself. I also think I can work in a giveaway and sale or two for all loyal readers who may be interested. So thanks for tuning in, and check back often for updates.
Above are the Halloween "Witchy-Poo" costumes I put together for the girls. the Halloween tutus were a big hit and I was pleasantly surprised that the girls kept their hats on the whole night!